Audit Exemption

Exemptions available in relation to Financial Statements
Although the company must lay full Financial Statements before an AGM, depending on the type and size of the company it may be able to claim an exemption from filing full, or any, Financial Statements with the CRO. Companies meeting specific criteria could possibly claim one or more of the following exemptions:

You can use the table below to check what exemptions are available to your company type. Once you establish that your company type can avail of an exemption, the directors must check that your company meets the criteria for the exemption.

Company Types And
Audit Dormant Financial
No. Of Members Who
Can Insist On An Audit
LTD Company (Part 2 Companies
Act 2014)
Yes Yes No Yes One or more member
representing at least 10% of the Voting rights
DAC Shares (Part 16, CA 2014)
Designated Activity Companies
Yes Yes No Yes One or more member
representing at least 10% of the Voting rights
DAC Guarantee
(Part 16, CA2014) Designated Activity Companies
Yes Yes Yes Yes One or more member
representing at least 10% of the Voting rights
CLG – (Part 18, CA2014) Company Limited by Guarantee Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 member
(Part 17, CA2014) Public Limited Company
No No No No Not applicable
(Part 19, CA2014) Public Unlimited Company
No No No No Not applicable
(Part 19, CA2014) Public Unlimited Company without share capital
No No No No Not applicable
ULC non-designated
(Part 19, CA2014) Private Unlimited Company
Yes Yes Yes Yes One or more members representing at least 10% of the voting rights
ULC designated
(Part 19, CA2014) Private Unlimited
Yes Yes No Yes One or more members representing at least 10% of the voting rights

Is every company type eligible for the size/abridgement exemption from filing full Financial Statements?
The size exemption does not apply to Public Limited Companies (PLC) or Public Unlimited Companies (PUC/PULC) or any company falling within any provision of the Fifth Schedule to the 2014 Act. All other types of companies which are classed as small or micro companies can claim an exemption from filing full Financial Statements and file abridged Financial Statements instead (s.353).

Is every company type eligible for the small company / Dormant Company audit exemption?
The following companies are not entitled to either exemption:

The exemptions available to different types and sizes of company, and conditions applying, are detailed in the following sections:

Small Companies
A small company that satisfies certain conditions can claim three types of exemption:

Exemption from filing full Financial Statements (the “size/abridgement exemption”) (s.352)
To qualify as a small company and avail of this exemption, a company must satisfy TWO or more of the following conditions in the current financial year and in the preceding financial year (unless it is its first financial year)(s.350(2), (3) & (5) Companies Act 2014):

(Exemption is not available to public companies except CLGs (Companies Limited by Guarantee)).

Small companies who claim the “size/ abridgment exemption” are required to file:

Small company “size/ abridgement exemption” statements:
A company claiming the “size/ abridgement exemption” must file the Auditor’s Report to the directors and must state the following on their Balance Sheet:

I/We, as director(s) of (company name), state that –
The company has relied on the specified exemption contained in section 352 Companies Act 2014; the company has done so on the grounds that it is entitled to the benefit of that exemption as a small company and confirm that the abridged Financial Statements have been properly prepared in accordance with section 353 Companies Act 2014.

On behalf of the board:
TYPED Name of Signatory: TYPED Name of Signatory:
Director Director
Date Date

Exemption from filing an auditor’s report (the “audit exemption”)(s.360 CA 2014)
Small Company Audit Exemption
In order for a company to qualify for the small company audit exemption the company must meet the following criteria in respect of the financial year concerned and the preceding year – s.350(3) CA 2014.

The company must qualify as a “small company”. The company must not come within any of the 18 classes of companies listed in the Fifth Schedule to the 2014 Act. The company’s annual return, to which Financial Statements are attached, must be filed on time for the year in question and the previous year. (s.363 CA 2014)

Small companies who claim both the audit and abridgement exemptions are required to file:

Sample Statement to be included on Balance Sheet when claiming BOTH audit exemption and the small company (abridgement) exemption:

I/We, as director(s) of (company name), state that:
(a) the company is availing itself of the exemption provided for by Chapter 15 of Part 6 of the Companies Act 2014,
(b) the company is availing itself of the exemption on the grounds that the conditions specified in s.358 are satisfied,
(c) the shareholders of the company have not served a notice on the company under s.334(1) in accordance with s.334(2),
(d) we acknowledge the company’s obligations under the Companies Act 2014, to keep adequate accounting records and prepare Financial Statements which give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities and financial position of the company at the end of its financial year and of its profit or loss for such a year and to otherwise comply with the provisions of Companies Act 2014 relating to Financial Statements so far as they are applicable to the company,
*(e) the company has relied on the specified exemption contained in s.352 Companies Act 2014; and has done so on the grounds that the company is entitled to the benefit of that exemption as a small company and the abridged Financial Statements have been properly prepared in accordance with s.353 Companies Act 2014.

On behalf of the board:
TYPED Name of Signatory: TYPED Name of Signatory:
Director Director
Date: Date:
(*In the above statement, use sections (a) – (d) if claiming audit exemption and add section (e) if claiming the small company/abridgement exemption. A small company can claim either or both exemptions in their Financial Statements if they qualify.)

What must the company do before claiming audit exemption?
In deciding if they want to have the audit in respect of a financial year, they should consider the fact that third parties connected with the company (e.g. bankers or trade organisations) may still require an audit to be completed.

Furthermore, if one or more of the company’s shareholders representing not less than 10% of the voting rights (one member for a guarantee company CLG) request that the company not avail itself of the exemption and serve notice in writing to this effect on the company in the financial year immediately preceding the financial year concerned or during the financial year concerned but not later than one month before the end of that year, the company must have an audit. (s.334, CA 2014).

If the Directors of a dormant company decide to claim audit exemption in respect of a financial year, they must make the decision in that financial year and record the decision in the minutes of the meeting concerned (s.365(1) CA 2014).

What happens if the company loses the audit exemption by filing late?
If an annual return is filed late, the company loses the entitlement to claim the audit exemption in the following two years – Section 363 Companies Act 2014 as amended by section 10 Companies (Statutory Audits) Act 2018.

What happens if a company ceases to comply with the qualifying conditions during the course of a financial year in respect of which it is intended to claim the audit exemption?
The directors have a duty to appoint an auditor to the company as soon as may be after the company ceases to comply with the qualifying conditions

Small Group Company Audit Exemption (s359, CA 2014)

Audit Exemption applies to any group company if the group as a whole qualifies as a Small Group. The entire group and all its subsidiary undertakings must, taken as a whole, satisfy two of the following 3 conditions in order to claim a Group Company Audit Exemption: