Compuware shared services user reference guide

Information about the product architecture, features, and key concepts.

Information about deployment setup and system requirements.

Information about installing and configuring the product.

Information about upgrading the product from earlier versions to the current version.

Information about how to use ECC and its components like HCI, LMS, CSS.

Information about various HCI and CSS commands.

Information about the messages and codes.

This topic provides access to PDFs that support this product. It also explains how to create your own custom PDFs.

Ready-made PDF of this space

The following table provides ready-made PDFs that contain snapshots of the content in this space. Ready-made PDFs are available for new releases and product updates within seven calendar days of their release. Although these PDFs contain all topics, the online topics might be more current, and the content of some topics might be better suited for online viewing.

Legacy PDFs related to this space

The following legacy PDFs provide older product documentation that is not otherwise available in this documentation portal:

BMC AMI Enterprise Common Components Installation and Configuration Guide

BMC AMI Enterprise Common Components Advanced Configuration Guide

BMC AMI Enterprise Common Components Messages and Codes

BMC Compuware zAdviser Implementation Guide

Creating a custom PDF

If you are logged in, you can create a PDF from any topic in the space. Use the following procedure to create a PDF of either the current topic or multiple pages (a parent topic and its child topics):

  1. Go to the branch or topic for which you want to create a PDF.
  2. On the toolbar in the upper-right of the window, click and select Export to PDF:

Although you can export to Microsoft Word, this portal is not optimized for Word exports. If you require an export in XML or HTML format, contact us .