Rent Control Laws by State

Most states don’t have rent control limiting when and by how much landlords can increase rent. Many state laws even ban cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. However, all states have some rules regarding rent increases, so landlords should be aware of their rights and responsibilities.

When Can Landlords Raise Rent?

Landlords can typically raise the rent at the end of the lease term. Additionally, most states allow landlords to include language in the lease agreement that allows for rent increases during the lease term as long as the tenant agrees. However, in some situations, state or local law limits the frequency of rent increases. Landlords may choose to raise the rent for numerous valid reasons including property improvements and increased operating costs, but they must only raise rent when the law allows.

State When Can a Landlord Raise Rent?
California Rent increases are limited to twice per year
Colorado Rent increases are limited to once per year
Connecticut Oral lease agreements are considered month-to-month, so in that case landlords can increase the rent at any time
Delaware Rent increases on mobile home tenants are limited to once per year
Idaho Rent increases on mobile home tenants are limited to once per six months
Maine The rental unit must meet the warranty of habitability
Massachusetts Lease agreements can include tax escalator clauses, i.e., statements that a tenant’s rent may be increased during the lease term by a specified percentage of the increase in real estate taxes
Michigan Lease agreements can provide for rent increases during the lease term (with 30 days’ notice) due to an increase in utility costs, property taxes, or insurance premiums
Minnesota Rent increases on mobile home tenants are limited to twice per year
New Jersey Landlords cannot add language to lease agreements allowing for rent increases or increase the rent during a fixed-term lease
New York Rent control and rent stabilization affect some units and limit the frequency of rent increases
Oregon Landlords cannot increase the rent during the first year
Washington D.C. If the unit is rent-controlled, landlords must meet several criteria when increasing the rent, including registration with the Rental Accommodations Division and compliance with housing regulations

How Much Notice is Needed to Raise Rent?

While many state laws do not require a certain notice period before a rent increase, 34 states have a minimum notice period, typically 30 or 60 days. Landlords should also check their local laws because some cities and towns require a specific notice period for a rent increase that differs from state law.

State Notice Required for a Rent Increase
Alaska 30 days (month-to-month tenants)
14 days (week-to-week tenants)
Arizona 30 days (month-to-month tenants)
14 days (week-to-week tenants)
Arkansas 1 month (month-to-month tenants)
7 days (week-to-week tenants)
California 30 days (less than 10% increase)
90 days (more than 10% increase)
Colorado 60 days
Connecticut No statute
Delaware 90 days (mobile homes)
60 days (other housing types)
Florida No statute
Georgia 60 days
Hawaii 45 days (month-to-month tenants)
15 days (week-to-week tenants)
Idaho 90 days (mobile homes)
30 days (other housing types)
Illinois No statute
Indiana 30 days
Iowa 30 days
Kansas 60 days (mobile homes)
30 days (other housing types)
Kentucky No statute
Louisiana No statute
Maine 30 days (mobile homes)
45 days (other housing types)
Maryland 90 days (term over one month)
60 days (term over one week, up to one month)
21 days (oral lease of one week or less)
7 days (written lease of one week or less) [1]
Massachusetts 30 days
Michigan No statute
Minnesota 30 days (month-to-month tenants)
60 days (mobile homes)
Mississippi 30 days (month-to-month tenants)
7 days (week-to-week tenants)
Missouri 60 days (mobile homes)
No statute (other housing types)
Montana 7 days (week-to-week tenants)
30 days (month-to-month tenants)
Nebraska 7 days (week-to-week tenants)
30 days (month-to-month tenants)
60 days (mobile home tenants)
Nevada 60 days (month-to-month tenants)
30 days (week-to-week tenants)
New Hampshire 60 days (mobile homes)
30 days (other housing types)
New Jersey 30 days
New Mexico 30 days (month-to-month tenants)
7 days (week-to-week tenants)
New York 30 days (tenancy shorter than 1 year)
60 days (tenancy between 1 to 2 years)
90 days (tenancy longer than 2 years)
North Carolina No statute
North Dakota 90 days (month-to-month mobile home tenants)
30 days (all other tenancies)
Ohio No statute
Oklahoma No statute
Oregon 90 days (after first year of tenancy)
7 days (week-to-week tenants)
Pennsylvania No statute
Rhode Island 120 days (month-to-month tenants over 62 years old) [3]
60 days (all other tenancies)
South Carolina No statute
South Dakota 30 days
Tennessee No statute
Texas No statute
Utah 15 days
Vermont 60 days
Virginia 7 days (week-to-week tenants)
30 days (month-to-month tenants)
60 days (if lease contains renewal provision)
Washington 60 days (unsubsidized housing)
30 days (subsidized housing)
Washington D.C. Amount of notice required for a tenant to terminate + 30 days (minimum 60 days) [4] [5]
West Virginia No statute
Wisconsin No statute
Wyoming No statute

When is it Illegal for Landlords to Raise Rent?

It is illegal for landlords to raise the rent due to discrimination or retaliation, during the lease term (unless the lease agreement allows for it), or more frequently than what is allowed by state or local law. The Federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discriminatory rent increases due to race, color, national origin, religion, familial status, sex, or disability. This means it is illegal for landlords to apply greater rent increases on tenants because they fall under one of these protected categories. State and local laws may protect additional groups of people from discrimination. Most states have laws that prevent landlords from increasing rent in retaliation after tenants perform specific actions protected by law. Typically, the law specifies the length of time between the tenant’s action and a rent increase that qualifies as retaliation, often measured in months. Read More

How Often Can Landlords Raise Rent?

Although most states do not regulate the frequency of rent increases, 7 states require that landlords wait a certain length of time between rent increases (usually 6 to 12 months). Furthermore, rent control laws in New York and New Jersey limit the frequency of rent increases for some types rental units. It’s important to note that while some states don’t have a state statute that regulates the frequency of rent increases, local laws may have restrictions.

State When Can a Landlord Raise Rent?
California Rent increases are limited to twice per year
Colorado Rent increases are limited to once per year
Connecticut Oral lease agreements are considered month-to-month, so in that case landlords can increase the rent at any time
Delaware Rent increases on mobile home tenants are limited to once per year
Idaho Rent increases on mobile home tenants are limited to once per six months
Maine The rental unit must meet the warranty of habitability
Massachusetts Lease agreements can include tax escalator clauses, i.e., statements that a tenant’s rent may be increased during the lease term by a specified percentage of the increase in real estate taxes
Michigan Lease agreements can provide for rent increases during the lease term (with 30 days’ notice) due to an increase in utility costs, property taxes, or insurance premiums
Minnesota Rent increases on mobile home tenants are limited to twice per year
New Jersey Landlords cannot add language to lease agreements allowing for rent increases or increase the rent during a fixed-term lease
New York Rent control and rent stabilization affect some units and limit the frequency of rent increases
Oregon Landlords cannot increase the rent during the first year
Washington D.C. If the unit is rent-controlled, landlords must meet several criteria when increasing the rent, including registration with the Rental Accommodations Division and compliance with housing regulations

Which States Have Rent Control Laws?

No Statewide Rent Control; No Ban Rent Control Ban City/County Rent Control State Rent Control State + City Rent Control

Alabama Rent Control Laws

Alabama does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation because a tenant filed a housing safety complaint or joined a union. There is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase. However, 30 days’ notice from the landlord is usually considered acting in “good faith.”

Alaska Rent Control Laws

Alaska does not have statewide rent control laws but state law allows cities and towns to create their own rent control laws. However, no local jurisdictions have approved any rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement allows for it. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination or in retaliation because a tenant filed a housing safety complaint, joined a union, or exercised another legal right. Before increasing the rent, landlords in Alaska must give at least 30 days’ notice to a month-to-month tenant. If the tenant pays rent weekly, the minimum notice period is 14 days.

Arizona Rent Control Laws

Arizona does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation because a tenant filed a complaint or joined a union. Before increasing the rent, landlords in Arizona must give at least 30 days’ notice to a month-to-month tenant. If the tenant pays rent weekly, the minimum notice period is 10 days.

Arkansas Rent Control Laws

Arkansas does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation because a tenant reported a lead hazard. Before increasing the rent, landlords in Arkansas must give at least one month’s notice to a month-to-month tenant. If the tenant pays rent weekly, the minimum notice period is 7 days.

California Rent Control Laws

California has rent control and state law allows local governments to create their own rent control laws. Many cities in California have rent control laws that create additional requirements, so landlords should be familiar with both state and local laws. The statewide maximum rent increase percentage is 5% plus the rate of inflation or 10%, whichever is lower. By state law, landlords in California can only increase the rent twice every twelve months and the total amount of rent increase cannot exceed the annual limit. Landlords cannot raise the rent to discriminate against tenants due to a medical condition, primary language, immigration status, physical appearance, source of income, veteran/military status, and those protected by the Federal Fair Housing Act. Additionally, landlords cannot increase the rent in retaliation within 180 days after a tenant joins a union or does another protected action. Some cities and towns have additional discrimination or retaliation laws. By state law, landlords must give at least 30 days’ notice before increasing the rent. However, if the proposed rent increase is greater than 10%, landlords must give 90 days’ notice.

Colorado Rent Control Laws

Colorado does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, but no more than once per year. Landlords also cannot raise the rent to discriminate against tenants due to marital status, source of income, veteran/military status, and those protected by the Federal Fair Housing Act. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent in retaliation because a tenant filed a complaint or joined a union. Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 60 days’ notice if there is no written lease agreement or the rental unit is a mobile home. In other situations, there is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase so landlords and tenants can agree on rent increase procedures in the lease agreement.

Connecticut Rent Control Laws

Connecticut does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. However, state law requires that cities, towns, and boroughs larger than 25,000 people maintain a fair rent commission that handles complaints and prevents landlords from charging excessive rents. Landlords can raise the rent for any reason, as often as they choose, as long as the amount is reasonable and they do not increase the rent during the lease term. Landlords cannot raise the rent to discriminate against tenants convicted of possession of four or fewer ounces of cannabis and those protected by the Federal Fair Housing Act. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent in retaliation because a tenant joined a union or did another protected action. There is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase. However, 30 days’ notice from the landlord is usually considered acting in “good faith.”

Delaware Rent Control Laws

Delaware does not have statewide rent control laws but state law allows cities and towns to create their own rent control laws. As long as there are no local rent control laws, landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, except during the lease term. Landlords also cannot raise the rent to discriminate against tenants due to source of income, occupation, and those protected by the Federal Fair Housing Act. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent in retaliation because a tenant filed a complaint or exercised another legal right. Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 60 days’ notice. However, if the rental unit is a mobile home, rent increases are limited to once per year and landlords must give 90 days’ notice.

Florida Rent Control Laws

Florida does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation because a tenant filed a complaint, requested repairs, joined a union, or exercised another legal right. There is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase. However, 30 days’ notice from the landlord is usually considered acting in “good faith.”

Georgia Rent Control Laws

Georgia does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase. Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation within three months after a tenant files a complaint or exercises another legal right. Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 60 days’ notice.

Hawaii Rent Control Laws

Hawaii does not have statewide rent control laws but state law does not prohibit cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. As long as there are no local rent control laws, landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term. Landlords cannot raise the rent to discriminate against tenants due to marital status, age, rental assistance status / source of income, HIV status, and other classes protected by the Federal Fair Housing Act. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent in retaliation because a tenant filed a complaint or requested repairs. Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 45 days’ notice to month-to-month tenants. If the tenant pays rent weekly, the minimum notice period is 15 days.

Idaho Rent Control Laws

Idaho does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase. Landlords must avoid discriminatory rent increases. Idaho state law does not address retaliatory rent increases unless the rental unit is a mobile home. Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 30 days’ notice. If the rental unit is a mobile home, landlords must give 90 days’ notice. Furthermore, rent increases for mobile home tenants are limited to once every six months.

Illinois Rent Control Laws

Illinois does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase. Landlords cannot raise the rent to discriminate against tenants due to age, military status, arrest record, pregnancy, history of domestic violence, source of income, and those protected by the Federal Fair Housing Act. There is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase. However, 30 days’ notice from the landlord is usually considered acting in “good faith.”

Indiana Rent Control Laws

Indiana does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation because a tenant filed a complaint, requested repairs, joined a union, or exercised another legal right. Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 30 days’ notice.

Iowa Rent Control Laws

Iowa does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation because a tenant filed a complaint or joined a union. Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 30 days’ notice.

Kansas Rent Control Laws

Kansas does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation because a tenant filed a complaint or joined a union. Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 30 days’ notice. However, if the rental unit is a mobile home, landlords must give 60 days’ notice.

Kentucky Rent Control Laws

Kentucky does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation because a tenant filed a complaint or joined a union. There is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase. However, 30 days’ notice from the landlord is usually considered acting in “good faith.”

Louisiana Rent Control Laws

Louisiana does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase. There is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase. However, 30 days’ notice from the landlord is usually considered acting in “good faith.”

Maine Rent Control Laws

Maine does not have statewide rent control laws but state law does not prohibit cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws, like in Portland. As long as there are no local rent control laws, landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes. Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 45 days’ notice. However, landlords must give 30 days’ notice to mobile home tenants.

Maryland Rent Control Laws

Maryland does not have statewide rent control laws but state law allows cities and towns to create their own rent control laws, like in Takoma Park. As long as there are no local rent control laws, landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination due to marital status and federally-protected classes or in retaliation within six months after tenant filed a complaint, joined a union, or participated in a lawsuit against the landlord. There is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase. However, 30 days’ notice from the landlord is usually considered acting in “good faith.”

Massachusetts Rent Control Laws

Massachusetts does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws unless participation by landlords is completely voluntary. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term. Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination due to source of income, marital status, veteran/military status, genetic information, and federally-protected classes. State law also protects tenants from retaliatory rent increases within six months after they filed a complaint, joined a union, or requested repairs. Before increasing the rent, landlords must typically give tenants at least 30 days’ notice. If the tenant pays rent less frequently than every month (e.g., every two months) the notice period is equal to the frequency of rent payments.

Michigan Rent Control Laws

Michigan does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. However, state law prevents landlords from charging rent that is “grossly in excess” of rent for similar properties. Landlords can raise the rent for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation because a tenant exercised a legal right. There is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase. However, 30 days’ notice from the landlord is usually considered acting in “good faith.”

Minnesota Rent Control Laws

Minnesota does not have statewide rent control, but state law allows local governments to create their own rent control laws as long as they are approved through a general election, like in St. Paul. As long as there are no local rent control laws, landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term. However, if the rental unit is a mobile home, rent increases are limited to twice per year. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination due to marital status, use of public assistance, and federally-protected classes, or in retaliation because a tenant filed a complaint or exercised any other legal right. Before a rent increase, landlords must give notice equal to the frequency of rent payments (but no more than 3 months). For example, if a tenant pays rent monthly, they must be given 1 month’s notice before a rent increase. However, landlords must give mobile home tenants 60 days’ notice before increasing the rent.

Mississippi Rent Control Laws

Mississippi does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase. However, landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation because a tenant filed a complaint, requested repairs, or participated in a judicial proceeding against the landlord. Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 30 days’ notice to a month-to-month tenant. If the tenant pays rent weekly, the minimum notice period is 7 days.

Missouri Rent Control Laws

Missouri does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term or out of discrimination of federally-protected classes. There is no state statute requiring a specific notice period before a rent increase, except landlords must give 60 days’ notice to mobile home tenants.

Montana Rent Control Laws

Montana does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase. Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination due to age, marital status, and federally-protected classes or in retaliation within six months after a tenant files a complaint or joins a union. Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 15 days’ notice.

Nebraska Rent Control Laws

Nebraska does not have statewide rent control laws and state law does not prohibit cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. As long as there are no local rent control laws, landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term. Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation because a tenant files a complaint or joins a union. Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 30 days’ notice to month-to-month tenants. If the tenant pays rent weekly, the minimum notice period is 7 days, and if the rental unit is a mobile home, 60 days’ notice is required.

Nevada Rent Control Laws

Nevada does not have statewide rent control laws and state law does not prohibit cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. As long as there are no local rent control laws, landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term. However, landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation because a tenant did a protected act such as filing a complaint. Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 60 days’ notice to month-to-month tenants. If the tenant pays rent weekly, the minimum notice period is 30 days.

New Hampshire Rent Control Laws

New Hampshire does not have statewide rent control laws and case law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase. Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination due to age, marital status, and federally-protected classes or in retaliation within six months after a tenant files a complaint or joins a union. Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 30 days’ notice. However, if the rental unit is a mobile home, landlords must give 60 days’ notice.

New Jersey Rent Control Laws

New Jersey does not have statewide rent control laws but state law allows cities and towns to create their own rent control laws. Over 100 cities and towns in New Jersey have adopted rent control. If there are no local rent control laws, landlords can raise the rent by any reasonable amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term. However, landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination due to marital status, domestic partnership or civil union status, source of income, ancestry, or federally-protected classes. Landlords must also avoid increasing rent in retaliation because a tenant filed a complaint or exercised any other legal right. Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 30 days’ notice.

New Mexico Rent Control Laws

New Mexico does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase. Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination due to ancestry, spousal affiliation, or federally-protected classes or in retaliation within six months after a tenant files a complaint or exercises any other legal right. Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 30 days’ notice to month-to-month and other fixed-term tenants (e.g., year lease), and 7 days’ notice to week-to-week tenants.

New York Rent Control Laws

Statewide, landlords cannot raise the rent to discriminate against tenants due to military status, domestic abuse victim status, and those protected by the Federal Fair Housing Act. Additionally, landlords cannot increase the rent in retaliation within one year after a tenant files a complaint, joins a union, or requests repairs.

Landlords must give 30, 60, or 90 days’ notice before increasing the rent depending on the lease term.

North Carolina Rent Control Laws

North Carolina does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase.

Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or due to actual or perceived status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.

There is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase so landlords and tenants can agree on rent increase procedures in the lease agreement.

North Dakota Rent Control Laws

North Dakota does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase.

Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation because a tenant or a member of their household previously exercised their legal right to terminate a lease due to domestic violence.

Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 30 days’ notice.

Ohio Rent Control Laws

Ohio does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase.

Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or due to military status or in retaliation because a tenant filed a complaint or joined a union.

There is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase. However, 30 days’ notice from the landlord is usually considered acting in “good faith.”

Oklahoma Rent Control Laws

Oklahoma does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase.

Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or due to age or in retaliation because a tenant is a victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking.

There is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase. However, 30 days’ notice from the landlord is usually considered acting in “good faith.”

Oregon Rent Control Laws

Oregon has rent control and state law prohibits local governments from creating their own rent control laws. Landlords cannot raise the rent above 7% plus the consumer price index (CPI) annually, which in 2024 is 10.0%. [2] Additionally, landlords cannot increase the rent during the first year of the tenancy.

Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or due to the tenant’s status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent in retaliation because a tenant does a protected action like joining a union.

Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 90 days’ notice. However, if the tenant is on a week-to-week lease, the notice period is 7 days.

Pennsylvania Rent Control Laws

Pennsylvania does not have statewide rent control laws and state law does not prohibit cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. As long as there are no local rent control laws, landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term.

However, landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation because a tenant did a protected act such as filing a complaint.

There is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase. However, 30 days’ notice from the landlord is usually considered acting in “good faith.”

Rhode Island Rent Control Laws

Rhode Island does not have statewide rent control laws but state law allows cities and towns to create their own rent control laws. However, no local jurisdictions have approved any rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term.

However, landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or due to age, marital status, source of income, homelessness, military status, or status as a victim of domestic violence. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent in retaliation within 6 months after a tenant filed a complaint, joined a union, or requested repairs.

Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 60 days’ notice. However, if the tenant is over 62 years old and on a month-to-month lease, the minimum notice period is 120 days. [3]

South Carolina Rent Control Laws

South Carolina does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase.

Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation (above market value) because a tenant filed a complaint regarding the health or safety of the property.

There is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase. However, 30 days’ notice from the landlord is usually considered acting in “good faith.”

South Dakota Rent Control Laws

South Dakota does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase.

Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation within 180 days after a tenant files a complaint, joins a union, or requests repairs.

Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 30 days’ notice.

Tennessee Rent Control Laws

Tennessee does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase.

Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation because a tenant files a complaint, requests repairs, or exercises another right granted by law or the lease agreement.

There is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase. However, 30 days’ notice from the landlord is usually considered acting in “good faith.”

Texas Rent Control Laws

Texas does not have statewide rent control and state law prohibits local governments from creating their own rent control laws unless there is a housing emergency and it is approved by the governor. Landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term.

Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation within six months after a tenant files a complaint or exercises any other legal right.

There is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase. However, 30 days’ notice from the landlord is usually considered acting in “good faith.”

Utah Rent Control Laws

Utah does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase.

Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or due to source of income. Landlords must also avoid increasing the rent in retaliation because a tenant files a complaint or otherwise participates in any discrimination proceeding against the landlord.

Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 15 days’ notice.

Vermont Rent Control Laws

Vermont does not have statewide rent control laws but state law allows cities and towns to create their own rent control laws. However, no local jurisdictions have approved any rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term.

Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or due to marital status, age, receipt of public assistance, or status as a victim of abuse. Landlords must also avoid retaliatory rent increases because a tenant filed a complaint or joined a union.

Before increasing the rent, landlords must give at least 60 days’ notice.

Virginia Rent Control Laws

Virginia does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase.

Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or due to source of income or military status. Landlords must also avoid retaliatory rent increases because a tenant did any protected act such as filing a complaint.

Before increasing the rent, landlords are required to provide at least 30 days’ notice to tenants on a month-to-month lease and 7 days’ notice to the tenant on a week-to-week lease.

Washington Rent Control Laws

Washington does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase.

Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of state or federally-protected classes. Landlords must also avoid retaliatory rent increases within 90 days after a tenant did any protection action such as filing a complaint.

Before increasing the rent, landlords are required to provide at least 60 days’ notice.

Washington D.C. Rent Control Laws

In Washington D.C., some rental units are protected by rent control laws limiting the amount that landlords may ask for rent. The maximum rent increase percentage changes annually based on the rate of inflation.

Landlords of rent-controlled units must only increase the rent when the unit complies with all requirements. For example, the unit must be registered with the Rental Accommodations Division and compliant with all applicable regulations.

Landlords of all units must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of district or federally-protected classes, such as race or source of income. Landlords must also avoid retaliatory rent increases within six months after a tenant does a protected act such as filing a complaint.

Before increasing the rent, landlords must give notice equal to the amount of notice required for a tenant to terminate, plus 30 days. This is a minimum of 60 days. [4] [5]

West Virginia Rent Control Laws

West Virginia does not have statewide rent control laws but state law does not prohibit cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. Landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term.

However, landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes.

There is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase. However, 30 days’ notice from the landlord is usually considered acting in “good faith.”

Wisconsin Rent Control Laws

Wisconsin does not have statewide rent control laws and state law prohibits cities and towns from creating their own rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term unless the lease agreement specifically allows for a rent increase.

Landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes or in retaliation because a tenant filed a complaint or exercised any other legal right.

There is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase. However, 30 days’ notice from the landlord is usually considered acting in “good faith.”

Wyoming Rent Control Laws

Wyoming does not have statewide rent control laws but state law allows cities and towns to create their own rent control laws. However, no local jurisdictions have approved any rent control laws. This means landlords can raise the rent by any amount, for any reason, as often as they choose, except during the lease term.

However, landlords must avoid increasing the rent out of discrimination of federally-protected classes.

There is no statute requiring a certain notice period for a rent increase. However, 30 days’ notice from the landlord is usually considered acting in “good faith.”


A landlord shall provide the notice required under paragraph (1) of this subsection:

(i) For tenancies for a term of more than 1 month, at least 90 days in advance of the rent increase;

(ii) For tenancies for a term of more than 1 week, but not more than 1 month, at least 60 days in advance of the rent increase; and

(iii) For tenancies for a term of 1 week or less:

1. At least 7 days in advance of the rent increase if the parties have a written lease; or

2. At least 21 days in advance of the rent increase if the parties do not have a written lease.

By Sept. 30 of each year, the Oregon Office of Economic Analysis is responsible for calculating and publishing the maximum annual rent increase percentage allowed by law for the following calendar year. This amount is 7% plus the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, West Region (All Items), as most recently published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, or 10%, whichever is lower. For more information please see Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 90, including 90.323, 90.324, and 90.600 specifically regarding rent stabilization.

The allowable annual rent increase in 2024 is 10.0%. Only one rent increase may be issued in any 12-month period.

The allowable rent increase percentage for the previous year, 2023, was 14.6% if the increase was issued before July 6th, or 10.0% if issued after July 6.

(a) Prior to an increase in rent being imposed by a landlord for a residential tenancy, excluding an independent living facility, assisted living facility, or congregate care facility, notice of the increase shall be given in writing to any tenant by a landlord at least sixty (60) days prior to the effective date of the increase.

(b) A landlord must of a residential tenancy, excluding an independent living facility, assisted living facility, or congregate care facility shall give at least one hundred twenty (120) days notice to month to month tenants over the age of sixty-two (62) years, before raising the rent.

No rent increases, whether under this chapter, the Rental Accommodations Act of 1975, the Rental Housing Act of 1977, the Rental Housing Act of 1980, or any administrative decisions issued under these acts, shall be effective until the first day on which rent is normally paid occurring more than 60 calendar days after the notice of the increase is given to the tenant, or, if the notice was provided before January 1, 2024, more than 30 days after the notice of the increase is given to the tenant; provided, that the requirements of § 42-3505.54(b) are met.

A housing provider shall not place or cause to be placed in a residential lease or rental agreement a requirement that the tenant provide more than a 30-day notice to the housing provider of the tenant’s intention to vacate the premises, unless the lease or agreement also requires the housing provider to provide the tenant with a written notice of any rent increase that is at least 30 days more than that time period.