Understanding the Significance of Private International Law

Meaning and Definition of Private international law

Definition of private international law:

  1. According to Cheshire
    Private international law is that part of law which comes to play when the issue before the court affect some Fact, event or Transaction that is so closely connected with a foreign system of law as to necessitate Resources to that system.
  2. According to P. Tondon
    Private international law is body of principle determining question as to jurisdiction and question as to selection of appropriate law, In civil cases which present themselves for decision before a court of one state or country, but which involve a foreign Element.
  3. According to Baty
    Private international law is the rules voluntarily chosen by a given state for the decision of cases which have a foreign complexion.

Meaning of Private international law

Broadly speaking, conflict of law may arise in the following two cases:

  1. When the laws of two or more countries with which the case is connected differ from each other.
  2. The conflict may arise between the laws of the same country. This may happen:
  1. Coming
  2. Convenience
  3. Justice
  1. Private law relation associated with foreign law
  2. Private law relation burdered with foreign Element.

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